2023年曼哈顿短片电影节在tamuc -博士生排名10名决赛选手

9月29日,德州A&M大学商学院在大卫·塔尔博特大厅举办了一年一度的曼哈顿短片电影节. 该庆典将于9月28日至10月8日在全球6大洲500多个城市举行. A&移动商务 has hosted the event every year since 2014.

在节日上, 与会者观看十部国际短片,并在“最佳影片”和“最佳男主角”类别中投票.” On top of being shown worldwide, 这十部电影还将在洛杉矶的一家电影院放映整整一周,并有资格获得奥斯卡奖.

Although I'm no film critic or Academy member, I do love movies. 曼哈顿短片电影节允许像我这样的普通电影爱好者参与这个惊人的过程. 像许多其他参与者一样,我参加并投票选出了我最喜欢的电影和最喜欢的演员. 以下是我对10部入围影片的排名,从最差到最好,以及我对每部电影的看法.

10. “Sunless,” directed by Boris Vesselinov, USA

The two characters in “Sunless” embrace when they realize their grim fate. Photo from Manhattan Short website.

《皇冠体育365赌博》围绕着两名潜艇飞行员前往世界最深处的故事展开,他们听到了一种可怕的声音:一声巨响. This was my least favorite of the films. In fact, it was the only one I would say I 没有 就像. After the recent Titan submersible event, it just felt a little too soon. I later learned that the film was produced 之前 泰坦号失踪了,但我还是觉得有些不安,而且不是什么好事. 再加上角色发展的不足,这部电影不适合我.

9. “The Record,” directed by Jonathan Laskar, Switzerland

The lines seen in this photo were a reoccurring image throughout “The Record.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

《皇冠体育365赌博》是一部动画电影,讲述了一个乐器店老板得到了一张神奇的黑胶唱片,可以“读懂你的思想,播放你失去的记忆”.店主听着, 他揭示了他童年时期一段深受创伤和压抑的记忆(我不会说什么,以免给潜在的观众剧透)。. 动画是独一无二的, 使用线条和网格的重复图像,并从黑白转换为彩色. 音乐也很好听. 然而, I must admit, I 没有 get the message of this film. 我认为这是一部艺术电影,一个感人的故事,但我不明白其中的象征意义,甚至不明白这张神奇的唱片到底在做什么. 直到后来, when a fellow viewer explained it to me, 我能说的, “哦……我明白了。.“然而, I heard many other attendees say this film was their favorite, so my opinion on “The Record” may be in the minority.

8. “Voice Activated,” directed by Steve Anthopoulos, Australia

Trent becomes overwhelmed with frustration in “Voice Activated.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

这部电影是关于特伦特,一个口吃的年轻花店老板试图控制一辆声控汽车. In a brief intro of the film, 导演分享说,这个故事是基于他的口吃生活经历,并试图与Siri交流. “Voice Activated” was funny and unique, and the acting was excellent. 然而, in comparison to the complexity of the other films, 它不是最深的, which is why it ended up relatively low on my list.

7. “Tuulikki,” directed by Teemu Nikki, Finland

Tuuliiki (front) and her mother (behind). Photo from Manhattan Short website.

Tuukikki(读作too-lee-key)是一个年轻的女人,她的母亲控制过度(看起来很疯狂),把她锁在房子里. 最初, I thought this film was a thriller, 但在影片的最后一分钟出现了一个重大的情节转折,彻底改变了这一类型. Without giving anything away, I can say that the film addresses mental illness and the complex and, 有时, tense relationship between a caretaker and a loved one they tend to. It was shocking and emotional and left me reeling.

6. “The Family Circus,” directed by Andrew Fitzgerald, USA

在《皇冠体育365赌博》中,一家人和不速之客围坐在餐桌旁.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

Paul is a troubled young man who gets in a drunk driving accident…再一次。. To try and save him from jail time, 他的弟弟, 父亲, 母亲决定编造一个谎言,向警察解释这一事件,以掩护他. 在一个奇怪的转折中, 现场的警察最终花了一些时间和这个家庭发展出一种有点奇怪的关系,这给他们的家庭动态带来了根本性的变化. “The Family Circus” was humorous, bizarre and had excellent acting. Although not the best film in my opinion, 迈克尔·艾恩赛德, the actor who played the policeman, 赢得了我的最佳男主角奖.

5. “Career Day,” directed by Jason Robinson and Chris Hooper, USA

Johnny Hazel and his boy band relive their glory days in “Career Day.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

前男团巨星(现为会计师)约翰尼·黑泽尔正经历中年危机,并陷入严重抑郁. When his daughter asks him to come to her school for career day, Johnny struggles initially but finds a new zest and excitement for life. “职业日”非常搞笑,甚至还包括由一群中年男子表演的原创歌曲和舞蹈. 有什么理由不去爱呢?

4. 《皇冠体育365》(Soleil De Nuit),导演:费尔南多López escriv和玛丽亚·卡米拉·阿里亚斯,加拿大

The astronaut from “Soliel de Nuit.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

这部电影的片名翻译为“夜太阳”,探讨了殖民者和被殖民者之间的关系. While training for an upcoming mission to the moon, 一名宇航员被一位不愿离开试验场的美国土著老人打断了. 这名男子最终承认,如果宇航员答应帮他一个忙,他将离开并让开. 他解释说,他的人民, 阿提卡梅克族, believe that the spirits of their ancestors go to the moon, so the astronaut must agree to relay a message to the spirits. This was another film with a twist I don't want to spoil, 但我要告诉你,它非常聪明,会给你留下笑声和很多值得思考的东西.

3. “Yellow,” directed by Elham Ehsas, Afghanistan

The young woman looking at all the identical burqas in “Yellow.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

When the Taliban took over Afghanistan, 他们强迫所有的妇女都穿罩袍(全身的面纱,只在眼睛上盖了一个网)。. “Yellow” centers around one woman buying her first burqa and her fear, 悲伤, and uncertainty as her rights are being infringed upon. Although it seems slightly romantic, 隐含的爱情故事在对阿富汗妇女权利的更广泛、更有力的评论中消失了.

2. “Snail,” directed by Aminreza Alimohammadi, Iran

The mother and son in “Snail” have a sweet and loving relationship. Photo from Manhattan Short website.

在“蜗牛,一位充满爱心的母亲试图帮助她10岁的儿子实现成为歌手的梦想. Although the boy's talent is questionable, 这位母亲给予他无条件的支持和鼓励,尽她所能帮助他实现梦想. 《皇冠体育365》讲述的是我们许多人从母亲那里得到的坚定的爱和关怀. It was incredibly touching and almost brought a tear to my eye.

1. “The Stupid Boy,” directed by Phil Dunn, United Kingdom

在《皇冠体育365赌博》中,克里斯蒂安(左)向父亲(右)学习“上帝就是爱”.” Photo from Manhattan Short website.

While Christian terrorists are bombing London, 迈克尔, a mentally disabled young man seems to be in his own world. His mother worries that he is too naïve and trusting, but when a suicide bomber tries to blow up a mall, 迈克尔拥抱了他, embodying a mantra he learned: “God is love.这种简便性——在信息和迈克尔本人中——拯救了他、其他购物中心的顾客和炸弹袭击者. 这是一个有趣的(也是聪明的)剧本翻转,让炸弹袭击者是基督教极端分子, 经常, “terrorist” is a term associated with Muslims. It sent the message that sometimes, people who have extensive 知识 and zeal about religion can do a lot of harm. 在现实中,这是爱的简单信息,具有最强大的影响力. Because of the powerful theme, 创意写作, 以及出色的表演, I felt that “The Stupid Boy” was the strongest film.


不管我怎么看, all ten films screened were finalists for a reason: they were well-written, well-shot, 好的演出, 和精心制作的, which is why making this list was incredibly difficult. 很快, millions of viewers’ votes from all over the world will be counted, 包括我和其他50多个和我一起在A观看电影节的人&移动商务. The official winners will be announced on the morning of October 9 on the Manhattan Short Film's webpage.

上图:曼哈顿短片电影节吸引了许多教职员工和学生. 雷切尔·麦克沙恩摄.