不管你是刚开始学习的大学生,对自己宽容一点,心胸开阔一点, 转移, or a graduate student, you are NOT expected to have all the answers. 没有什么是一成不变的,你可以随时改变和改变…….我得到了我想要的结果,你也会的.

Rachel McShane, Ph.D.
研究生 Assistant Writer

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Computer Science and Information Systems
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Computer Science and Information Systems
Rockwall, Texas
Ph.D. in English (Rhetoric and Composition)
Year 研究生d

从瑞秋记事起,她就喜欢文字. 当她母亲找到瑞秋的时候,她才第一次意识到她的这种魅力, 蹒跚学步时, sitting on the floor surrounded by a pile of books, 有条不紊地翻页,仿佛她已经在自己朗读. 随着她的成长, 瑞秋通过接受教育培养了对文字的热爱, and that passion continues in her career. 她获得了英语学士学位,辅修文学和写作. She then made her way to 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务, 她在那里获得了英语硕士学位和青少年文学研究生证书. She then continued her studies at A&移动商务, receiving a Ph.D in English with a focus in Rhetoric and Composition.

瑞秋在A&移动商务和西南神召会大学的兼职教授. 她还参与了几个写作和编辑项目, including the current edition of “Writing Inquiry,” A&移动商务's first-year writing curriculum. 目前, in the Office of Marketing and Communications, Rachel serves as a writer, utilizing her passion for words to represent A&移动商务. In her free time, 瑞秋喜欢和她的丈夫以及他们的两只狗呆在一起, 播放音乐, 花园, and (you guessed it) read and write.

A Conversation with Rachel

How did you land at A&移动商务?

当我在西南神召会大学读本科的时候, I was a teaching assistant to two English professors, Dr. Danny Alexander and Dr. Amy Alexander. 他们总是支持和鼓励我,告诉我应该考虑在完成学士学位后读研. They had both graduated from A&移动商务(当时还是东德克萨斯州立大学),并建议我申请. I didn't know anything about graduate school, and no one in my family had ever gone, so the Alexanders became my mentors and guides. They helped me with the application process, wrote my letter of recommendation, and when I got in, 他们甚至帮我选择第一学期应该上什么课! I'm so grateful I ended up here, because not only have I gotten a great education, 但也是在那里我遇到了我的丈夫(他是一名英语博士).D. candidate here, too).


I love to talk about my dissertation. 这本书的题目是《皇冠体育365》.“基本上,我首先研究了德克萨斯州对女性的社会期望. 然后, 我研究了三个不同的案例,都是女性因谋杀受审并被判有罪, 分析媒体和检方如何利用这些社会期望来反对她们,将她们都诬陷为“坏女人”.“这真的很迷人,当我开始谈论它时,我就停不下来了!

What advice would you give an incoming student?

Go easy on yourself and have an open mind. A lot of times, 大学生会感到压力,因为他们要把所有的事情都弄清楚, 五年计划已经准备就绪. 在现实中,人、兴趣和计划都会改变,这很正常,也没关系! Whether you're an undergraduate just starting, 转移, or a graduate student, you are NOT expected to have all the answers. 没有什么是一成不变的,你可以随时改变、改变或灵活应变. 本科时我换了专业,博士时也换了方向.D. studies, and it all worked out great! 我得到了我想要的结果,你也会的.

  • Ph.D., English, 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务, 2024
  • M.A.,英语,儿童和青少年文学研究生证书,德克萨斯州A&M University-商务, 2019
  • B.A.,英语,辅修文学,辅修写作,西南神会大学,2017年

  • Feminist Rhetoric
  • Rhetoric in Crime
  • Young Adult/Children's Literature
  • Native American Literature
  • Creative Writing

The Trial of Womanhood

What happens when women go on trial for murder?

When a woman is on trial for murder, the media and prosecution often focus less on the evidence and more on the woman and her identity; the ways she meets (or doesn't meet) societal expectations is often used against her.

  • McShane, Rachel. “Literacy, Discourse, Sponsorship.” Writing Inquiry, 3日艾德., edited by Gavin Johnson, Ashanka Kumari, 布莱恩麦克肖恩, Rachel McShane, and Emily Littlejohn, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • McShane, Rachel. 语码转换、语码网格和语码张力:第三单元简介.” Writing Inquiry, 3日艾德., edited by Gavin Johnson, Ashanka Kumari, 布莱恩麦克肖恩, Rachel McShane, and Emily Littlejohn, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • McShane, Rachel. “研究:主要,次要和评估来源,哦,天哪!” Writing Inquiry, 3日艾德., edited by Gavin Johnson, Ashanka Kumari, 布莱恩麦克肖恩, Rachel McShane, and Emily Littlejohn, 大礼帽., 2023.
  • McShane, Rachel. “跳舞的印第安公主:如何挪用美国原住民舞蹈是性暴力.” 记录我生命的残骸:#MeToo运动中的YA声音, edited by Kimberly Karshner. Vernon Press, 2023.
  • “The First Poem.” 图像, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, ed. by Amy George, et. al. 2018年4月. (诗歌) (Published under Rachel Huddleston.)

Stories by Rachel



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黑人历史月系列第二部分:表彰和认可狮子家族中有影响力的黑人人物&M大学商学院以其由不同种族的学生组成的学生团体而闻名, 文化, and countries. But it wasn’t always that way. 有一段时间,只有一名非白人学生进入大学,一名年轻女性[…]
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