

  • 不要在晚上独自行走. If you have to walk alone, stick to well-lit areas.
  • Always keep your room locked, even when you are not there.
  • 把你所有的贵重物品都记录下来,特别是序列号和型号. 下载并填写我们的 属性ID form and turn it in to the 大学警察局. This will help detectives recover your property if it is stolen.
  • 雕刻家可从UPD和住宅生活和学习. A UPD officer will use the engraver to etch a number, 比如你的驾照, 在你的财产上. 你的财产会被偷吗, 把这个号码刻在你的财产上,如果它被找到,警察就能确定它是你的.
  • Keep all valuables out of sight in your car. 把它们锁在你的后备箱里. Keep your car locked, and never leave your car running unattended.
  • Bicycles should be securely locked in assigned areas.
  • Report all suspicious persons or activity to the police immediately.

为了预防犯罪,一些校园部门每年都会开展预防犯罪项目. 项目主题包括:

  • 个人安全意识
  • 一般 campus safety (offered at summer orientation sessions)
  • 强奸的预防
  • 预防约会强奸
  • Crime prevention (burglary, theft and criminal mischief)
  • Alcohol 滥用 awareness (conducted at 狮子 Camp and upon request)
  • 自行车安全
  • 项目ID,一个正在进行的项目,鼓励序列号的记录
  • 开火, 一个旨在告诉学生和员工如何在活跃的枪手中生存的项目(在狮子营和新员工培训中进行)
  • 几乎所有要求的主题

What is the difference between sexual assault and rape?

没有区别. 性侵犯和强奸都是指违背他人意愿的性行为. 然而, 根据德克萨斯州法律, “性侵犯,“不是”强奸,是一个法律术语,用来定义和起诉非两厢情愿的性行为. 双方同意的性行为需要清醒的,没有恐吓或威胁的口头交流.


熟人攻击, 俗称“约会强奸”,发生在你认识的人强迫你违背你的意愿发生性关系的时候.

What can you do if you have been raped?

  • 去一个安全的地方.
  • 打电话给你信任的人,比如强奸危机顾问、朋友或父母.
  • Call the local or campus police.
  • Don’t shower, bathe or douche after the attack.
  • 去医院寻求治疗.
  • Preserve other physical evidence, such as clothing.
  • Consider filing charges against your attacker.

How can the 大学警察局 help me if I am a victim?

举报性侵犯并不意味着受害者必须提出指控,或将案件提交刑事审判或大学纪律听证会. If the assault occurred on campus, UPD会带你去医院并安排一名强奸危机顾问在调查的各个阶段陪伴你. 如果你喜欢匿名, UPD可以用假名举报犯罪,犯罪将在不透露姓名的情况下被起诉. Even if a victim has not decided whether to press charges, 报警和去医院将使他/她的情感或医疗需求得到照顾,并将保留受害者提出指控的选择.


Crisis Center of Northeast Texas
P.O. Box 8692, Greenville, TX 75404-8692


The Crisis Center of Northeast Texas serves Hunt, Hopkins, Rains, Rockwall and Kaufman counties.

Remember, sexual assault is a crime. Victims should not feel ashamed about the actions of a rapist. 如果你觉得自己受到了伤害,与咨询师或朋友交谈可以帮助你理解自己的感受. 你不必独自一人.


Mark your valuables with an engraver. Marking your property serves as a deterrent to would-be burglars, and it helps police identify and return stolen property. Make a property identification list. Put warning stickers on doors and windows.

如果你有电脑的话, 如果你有网络接口卡,不仅要标记序列号,还要确定它的“MAC”地址. Write this down in a safe place and store it with your serial numbers. For more information, call the CTIS Help Desk at 903.468.6000.


When leaving on trips, leave a light on in the bathroom. 在卧室里, 在24小时的电子计时器上安装一盏灯和收音机,设定为黄昏时打开,睡觉时关闭. 关上卧室的窗帘或百叶窗.

Work Together With Your Neighbors

当你要离开的时候,告诉你信任的邻居,让他们照看你的财产. Have neighbors maintain your yard. When on vacation, have someone cut grass. Shrubbery should not hide neighbors’ view of windows or doors. Have someone pick up newspapers and mail. Tell neighbors to call the police if they notice anything suspicious.


  • Don’t leave your books or purse unattended for even a second.
  • 在某处写下你的名字 隐藏的 在你的每本书里. This will help UPD recover the book.
  • 雕刻你所有的贵重物品. 在UPD可以找到雕刻师.
  • Know what type of hardware is in your computer. 大多数电脑窃贼都知道如何把电脑拆下来卖掉零件.

重复的难题, 匿名, 猥亵的电话和威胁性的电子邮件都是骚扰的例子, the most common of which is telephone harassment.

Harassment is defined as an offense with the intent to harass, 骚扰, 报警, 滥用, torment or embarrass by telephone or writing. Harassment is also a communication that is obscene or threatening.

Individuals who receive harassing, 鼓励骚扰或威胁电话联系警方寻求帮助. 保留记录通话日期和时间的电话记录将有助于确定警方可能采取的措施.

Harassment is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 and/or up to 180 days in jail.

Over one million vehicles are stolen every year nationwide. In the time it takes you to read this web page, nine cars will be stolen.


  • 离开的时候锁好车,把钥匙装进口袋,哪怕只有一分钟. 关闭 car windows and make sure the trunk is locked.
  • 控制好你的钥匙. Never leave an identification tag on your key ring. 如果你的钥匙丢失或被盗,它可以帮助小偷找到你的车和入室行窃.
  • Don’t leave your registration inside your vehicle; carry it with you. 重要的身份证件或信用卡永远不要放在汽车仪表盘上.
  • 如果携带包裹或贵重物品,尽可能将它们存放在行李箱中. 如果你留下包裹, clothing or other valuable items in the car, make sure they are out of sight.
  • 把车停在光线充足、繁忙的地方.
  • 把你的车牌号码和车辆识别号码(VIN)写下来,放在远离你的车的安全地方.

据估计,每年因计算机犯罪造成的损失达20亿美元. 其中包括各种类型的受害者,从个人到强大的公司. 犯罪分子将利用电脑存储他们自己的记录并获取他人的个人数据. 许多来源, accessible through the internet or modem connections, contain information such as social security numbers, 银行账户信息, 信用卡帐号, 密码, 甚至还有信用记录. 有了这些信息, criminals can spend your money or impersonate you, and it may be months before you even become aware something is wrong.

Why 人 Become Computer Criminals

There are several basic reasons why computer criminals break the law, 包括利润, 一个刺激, 精神疾病, 对法律的无知, 或绝望. Obviously, some type of gain is the foremost cause of computer crime. 犯罪分子可能会看到修改或创建自己的财务记录的机会, change or create another person’s records for a fee, or steal information for their own use. 软件盗版可能是最常见和最容易被忽视的计算机犯罪.

Identity theft is a growing problem nationwide. Here are some tips to help avoid becoming a victim.

  • 把所有外发的邮件放在邮箱里,或者放在当地邮局的邮寄槽里. Never leave payments in your mailbox. 在去度假之前,通知邮局把你的邮件留到你回来.
  • Never give out your social security number unless you absolutely have to. 不包括在支票上吗.
  • 把你所有的个人和账户信息保存在一个安全的地方(最好是一个有锁的盒子).
  • Shred credit card offers and other refuse before throwing them away.
  • 永远不要把你的自动取款机密码写在卡的背面或放在钱包或钱包里的一张纸上.
  • 不要根据你的出生日期、社会安全号码或任何其他明显的项目来选择密码.
  • Carry only the credit cards you think you’ll need on a given day.
  • 除非是你主动拨打的电话,否则不要在电话中透露账户号码.
  • 每年, 从三个主要的信用报告机构订购一份你的信用报告的副本,以确保它是准确的.


If you are a victim of ID theft, fill out an ID Theft Affidavit. 你还需要向犯罪发生地的警察局或你居住的当地警察局提交一份警察报告.



The following contact has been established for any compliments, 感谢或反馈,你可能有一个单独的警察部门的员工或整个部门.

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